Banana is six months old. Lovely Wife ("LW") and I were reminiscing a little bit about what she was like as a newborn. I wish I had started blogging sooner bcause for the life of me,. I don't really remember. I know she was smaller, less entertaining and not as cute. I know that sleep was not as continuous, and that she was not nearly as interactive. I know feeding her took much longer and that the first few weeks were kind of a blur. I know that before we taught her to "cry it out", she used to sleep in the room with us, and she would sometimes stay up really late.
Suffice it to say, if you have a newborn, take notes while they're really young, otherwise the whole thing will just be a blur later on. By the way, I do know what she's like right now. She is funny and sweet and good-natured and wonderful. She didn't even make that much of a fuss when she got her first vaccine shots today. Erica called her baby over easy. She is a really wonderfully low-key baby. We are extremely fortunate.