Monday, March 05, 2012

Health Care, Limbaugh, Breitbart

Thankfully, the Blunt Amendment was voted down.  Unfortunately a lot of people voted in favor of it.  Can we just be clear that the "Blunt Amendment" was never about religious liberty? It wasn't even about contraception? It was a Trojan horse to gut health care reform and sour people's opinion on the program. After all, if any employer can deny coverage based on "moral" grounds", then what's to stop all employers from coming up with all sorts of "moral grounds" upon which to deny coverage for services.  What if your employer is Christian Scientist?  Well, one can only imagine after a few years of that people will say "oh, Obamacare is terrible, we should repeal it".  Which is precisely the GOP goal.

The main thing this ridiculous situation has further illustrated to me is how stupid it is to link access to health care with employment status.  Seriously, other than the fact that it is a historical accident, why should your employment status have anything to do with access to health care?  Why should the identity of your employer have any connection with the sorts of services you can receive?  Why should your employer have any say at all in your health care?  I've yet to hear a good answer to this.

On the Rush Limbaugh front, I'm enjoying a tremendous amount of schadenfreude regarding the hot water into which he's gotten himself.   He's such a repugnant character, and gutless too - once he started getting pressure from advertisers, he retreated (pursuant to a pathetic non-apology) to his "I'm just an entertainer" line.  Pathetic.   Also, ill informed.

On the death of Andrew Breitbart, I would just say that this is a man who said the following about ted Kennedy when he passed away. Wow.  Classy. So, I'm sorry for his family (and I'm sure he was nice to have dinner with, good to his mama, loved kittens, etc.), but I won't begrudge anyone who has nasty things to say about the guy.