Thursday, September 04, 2008

At least Giuliani won't be President

I watched about 5 minutes of Giuliani talking yesterday and it was as much as I could handle. He somehow suggested that John McCain would both expand free trade and protect American jobs, and that Obama was going to somehow ship them all away. How exactly McCain will be both a protectionist and a free-trade guy is beyond me. I'm pro free-trade, having recently read The World is Flat by Tom Friedman I think that guy is spot-on when he talks about what America has to do to remain competitive in the world. Being protectionist is not one of those things. Anyway, Giuliani seemed to be suggesting that McCain would simultaneously do both, which is pretty much impossible. Additionally, he failed to mention that more American jobs have moved overseas during the presidency of George Bush than at any other time. But, who needs facts?

Additionally, he said McCain would shrink the size of government. Politicians are so full of crap when they make this claim. I read recently that during the past 25 years, the period of time when the size of the federal government was at its smallest as a percentage of GDP was during the presidency of Bill Clinton. But, again, who needs facts?

I don't care so much about the "experience" issue because I think that the only job that prepares you for being President is being President. That being said, it has been amusing watching conservative commentators tie themselves in knots (and making themselves seem really stupid) by making the argument that Palin has more relevant experience than Obama or Biden.

Also, read this. Funny and devastating critique of the McCain campaign's anger at the media.

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