Thursday, December 30, 2010
Cars, Part 2 - Toyota RAV4 and the Canyonero
Last night we took a test drive of the Toyota RAV4 and we really liked it. It felt very car-like, and although it's a somewhat compact-looking car, felt plenty spacious on the inside. The model we drove didn't have the third seat installed, but one can assume that it's best left for children. So, RAV4 is looking like the top choice at this point since we are now pretty committed to getting a car with AWD. I'd like to take another drive of the Kia Sorento, as I think they're very similar, and also so that E has a chance to drive that one.
We also, just for fun, sat in a Toyota Sequoia in the showroom, which is the real-life embodiment of the Canyonero. You could probably fit the RAV4 in the back of a Sequoia (like if you have a huge frame backpack that has a little detachable day-pack, that's the RAV4). Needless to say, we're not getting the Sequoia, even if it does seat 35.
We also, just for fun, sat in a Toyota Sequoia in the showroom, which is the real-life embodiment of the Canyonero. You could probably fit the RAV4 in the back of a Sequoia (like if you have a huge frame backpack that has a little detachable day-pack, that's the RAV4). Needless to say, we're not getting the Sequoia, even if it does seat 35.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
all the joyful people
Today I was walking on Newbury and there was a woman screaming at a guy in a car that she was going to find out his address and kill his wife. Pretty sure they were arguing about a parking spot. Boy that holiday spirit doesn't last long anymore.
My Somewhat Comprehensive Guide to Pretty Much Everything that's Wrong with the Star Wars Prequels
So, I've previously discussed my disillusionment with the Star Wars movies, but because of the grassroots groundswell of lobbying and activism, I've decided to create my list of everything I hate about the Star Wars prequels. Not exactly listed out by movie, but generally so. If you think of others, let me know.
- Idiotic political "intrigue". Taxation of trade routes? Eh? I'm not sure what little kids thought in 1999 when The Phantom Menace ("TPM") came out. I already had the goodwill from the original trilogy saved up by the time the new ones came out, but even I was starting to get wary when they were re-released in 1997 and Lucas made all those stupid changes. One can only imagine that kids, for whom this was their first exposure to Star Wars, were bored silly by all of the political talk. Lucas had 16 years to write a story in between movies, and TPM is what he came up with? I really wish he had taken Spielberg up on his offer to direct the first one, b/c at least Spielberg might have done some interesting things with the material (on the other hand, based on what I heard about "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", those two together are not quite as magic as they used to be).
- Offensive ethnic characterizations. I deal more with Jar Jar (Jamaican Sambo stereotype) later, but he fits into this category as well as the Trade Federation (cowardly Asian stereotype), Watto (grimy, haggling middle eastern shop owner), and the Banking Clan (um, they control the money and have big noses, why not show them eating space-bagels too). Apart from finding these incredibly insulting, they seem just so lazy and generally inexplicable. Seriously, couldn't you have just given them all voices that weren't stereotypes? Was George Lucas channeling Archie Bunker?
- Jar Jar. Apart from the racist, offensive shtick, Jar Jar is possibly one of the most annoying characters ever created. His only function is to be essentially useless and to get himself into "funny" trouble. Wow, way to come up with compelling characters to fill screen time.
- The Pod Race. I'm sure the race is meant to be exciting, but whenever I have seen the movie I have fast-forwarded through the pod race. Even at fast forward, I find it tedious. I know it's supposed to be there to show what a talented pilot Anakin is even when he's just a kid, but I'm thrown off by the fact that there's a "funny" two-headed announcer, and the scene just goes on too $%^&ing long.
- Jesus Skywalker. Anakin was the product of a virgin birth. Of all the ham-handed analogies, they just had to go there. Couldn't they have just made Palpatine the father? Apparently he was the result of a high concentration of midi-chlorians (which maybe the mom caught somewhere). Which leads us to.....
- Insertion of Pseudo-Science. I expect fake science in my Star Trek (dillithium crystals, etc.), but there was something magical about "the force". They didn't need to explain it, it was meant to be understood as an Eastern-religion style concept and worked fine as mysticism. But no. They had to go ahead and insert blood tests, and we learn that being strong with the force is actually something in your hemoglobin or whatever.
- Anakin. The kid who plays Anakin in TPM is sort of whiny and you don't really get much of a sense for him, and is not much of an actor. But he's 8, so you let it go. Hayden Christiensen, however, gets no excuses (well, he gets one excuse, but we'll get to that later). So, here's what we know about Anakin Skywalker from the original trilogy: (a) Obi Wan considered him a good friend, (b) he was a great pilot, (c) he was corrupted by the dark side. Fine. But then you meet Anakin as a teenager, and he is whiny, petulant, sullen and not particularly likable. Seriously, he sulks like a pathetic emo-boy, not the future Dark Sith Lord that he will become. We're supposed to understand that he was really good before, so we should like him and care about him, and his fall from grace should be a big deal. Problem is, we don't like him that much. We also don't see why Obi Wan likes him at all.
- "Dialogue". This is the part that's not Hayden Christiansen's fault. The dialogue is just terrible. Seriously, put aside any love you have for the series (I know I've had to work hard at this), and just listen. There's some real clunkers in these movies (the "I hate sand" speech, any time they try to talk politics, any time they talk to the Gungans, etc.). They make even really good actors seem wooden, which of course is not just the dialogue but the direction as well. I don't know what happened to Lucas between the first trilogy and these movies, but he should really go back and look at the original ones. There are some real moments of tension and humor in those movies, and some memorable dialogue.
- "Special" Effects. I won't say a lot here, as there's a lot of cool effects in these movies. I will note, however, that TPM came out in the Summer of 1999, the same time that the Matrix came out. While I enjoy CGI futuristic cityscapes as much as the next guy, the Matrix was a game-changer, and it's hard to look at not just things like bullet-time, but the whole ethos of TPM and wonder why George Lucas wasn't pushing cinema forward with special effects. Some of the CGI looks fake, as well, and you wonder why Lucas didn't use more models since almost all of the scenes from the original series still hold up, and those used models.
- Random Stupidity #1. In AOTC, Obi Wan goes to what appears to be a 50's-style diner and an alien they might as well call "Big Al" (who appears to be the owner) talks with him. There's a robot waitress who they might as well name "Flo" . The whole sequence is just terrible, and you're wondering why somebody thought to create a "diner" in the middle of the @#$%ing Star Wars Universe? The alien is sitting there with Obi Wan talking and scratching his ass, which is supposed to be "funny", but the whole sequence takes you out of the movie.
- Random Stupidity #2. General Grievous has a cough. Seriously. The CGI character has a cough throughout the whole movie. You're just waiting for him to ask one of his droids to bring him a cup of tea . He's supposed to this scary bad-ass, and they give him bronchitis . Why? Who knows. Seriously, did it advance the plot at all? Should he have stopped off somewhere for some Robitussin ?
- Random Stupidity #3. In ROTS Padme dies because the "lost the will to live". Padme just gave birth to twins, so she could have sustained trauma during child birth. Additionally she sustained a "force" attack by Anakin, so that could have done irreversible damage. But no, even though she was medically perfectly healthy, she died because she lost the will to live? She just had 2 kids! Wouldn't she have had the will to live to raise the kids?
- Lucas and His Audience. These movies are pitched to 6 year olds. This is particularly true of TPM, less so AOTC and ROTS (that one in particular has some pretty dark stuff). Jar Jar, the scatological humor, the goofy "humor" of the announcers at the pod race. This is stuff which is pitched to little kids, but in the most cloying and heavy-handed way (weirdly though, TPM is the worst about this AND about the boring political intrigue).
- The Waste of Padme. In Episodes I and II, Natalie Portman does a fine job as Padme, bad dialogue notwithstanding. She's active, she's involved in the fighting, she's resourceful, she bares her midriff - she's what you would expect Luke and Leia's mom to be. But in ROTS, her jobs are basically to get emotional, have babies, and die. That's pretty much it. Serious waste of a character.
Ok, that's it for now. There are probably others, but this is what I've got for the moment. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot to like in these movies as well (and I will make a list of things I like at some point as well, to be fair), but some of these just can't be forgiven.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
March to HDTV/First look at Cars
As an update to the previous post, we've gotten the toddler bed situation going (I mentioned that today), and safely grounded the outlet in the living room. Only 52 more steps to getting a big-ass TV.
On another note, we're starting to look at new cars in case the current one is on the way out (sadly we think it is). Our main criteria (other than wanting a car that is safe, reliable, doesn't get terrible gas mileage and is not gigantic) is that we want three rows of seating. Not that either of us really want to be carpooling kids around (because seriously, who wants extra children around, your own are plenty), but it just make sense to get the extra flexibility. Yesterday I test drove the Hyundai Veracruz and the Kia Sorento. I liked both of them, but I think we're probably going to eliminate the Veracruz b/c it is a little bigger (and we'd like something not too big) and it is also about 5K more expensive. It's a very nice car though, but we want to keep costs down and the Sorento felt slightly more car-like to me, and we don't want something that feels too much like a truck. Those third row seats are not exactly something I'd want to sit in for a 200-mile drive, but them seem serviceable for giving rides to kids, or just for extra flexibility. Next up, the RAV4 (which is absolutely ubiquitous) and the Mazda5 (which is kind of a mini-mini-van), both of which we are expecting to like.
My 2010 Favorites - Movies
Everyone does year-end "best of" lists so I would be remiss not to get into the act. Honestly, I didn't see that many movies in 2010 but I saw some good ones. I think it's hard to say "best" because I don't know what it means when it comes to art, but I'll say my five favorite movies this year were:
1. Inception
2. The Social Network
3. Toy Story 3
4. The Town
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I
The real decision for me as between Social Network and Inception at #1 - the rest of them, I could switch around the order and not have it be a huge deal. I had to go with Inception because for several days afterwards I kept having disturbing thoughts and dreams because of it, and felt like it #$%^ed my mind up, in a good way.
I'm sure there are a ton of good movies I haven't seen, so I know this list is anything but exhaustive.
Needed an electrician for this one
Yesterday morning the day started out pretty badly. We just moved Kid2 into Kid1's room, and it was her first night in a toddler bed (this of course means we did one of the previous things on the list, buy toddler bed). It went ok except that they were so excited about this arrangement that they got up extremely early (4:45 or so) and we're only resting periodically after that.
I had the bright idea (around 6:30) to change the kitchen light bulb which had burnt out. Not our main lamp, but the secondary lamp. Apparently I had never changed this b/c I didn't know how to change it. In the process of trying to open up the lamp to change the light bulb, I pulled the whole lamp out of the ceiling so that it was just dangling by electrical wire. I don't know much about these sorts of thing, but it seemed unsafe to me. So, I scrambled around frantically, woke up the LW (lovely wife), and eventually called 4 electricians. Thankfully one was available. He was not at all impressed with what the previous person had done when installing this lamp, and he secured it to the ceiling in a much better way. Next time, I will know how to take the relevant glass part out w/o pulling the entire fixture out of the ceiling. Even better, next time I will not try to be ambitious before 8 am.
Coming soon, I reveal my list of favorite movies, music and books this year. Also, I discuss my first trip to test drive cars.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Buying a TV
We've decided to finally take the plunge and buy a HDTV. Now all we need to do is:
1. Buy a toddler bed for kid #2 and move it in to kid #1's room (now they will share, we'll see how that goes).
2. Disassemble crib in kid #2's room and either give it away or throw it out.
3. Move desks, computer and table from play room/office/guest room up to what will be the new office
4. Have cable company come and assess whether we can get cable connection in new office upstairs.
5. Assemble train table which was Hanukkah present for the girls and put it into the play room.
6. Get rid of the old entertainment center and TV or theoretically move it to the downstairs play room. If move it to the downstairs play room, find out from cable company how much it costs to add a second cable TV connection.
7. Have electrician come and figure out whether we can safely connect an HDTV to living room non-grounded outlet.
8. Buy new entertainment center for TV.
9. Finally, buy TV.
Seriously, it'll be April before I actually see this TV.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Vote Cuckoo McNutty for Congress!
Hi, I'm Cuckoo McNutty, and I'm running for congress. Let me tell you what I believe.
I think that America needs to cut taxes severely in order to make our country stronger and more fiscally sound, because a government with no revenue, and which can support any government programs, is way stronger. Also, we need to look at cutting waste fraud and abuse. Now, my opponent has said things like "you haven't come up with a single concrete example of an actual program you would cut" - well, that kind of "evidence-based" thinking is just elitist and un-American. Also, I am in favor of fiscal responsiblity - sure I didn't say anything about it when George W. Bush was president, but, completely coincidentially, it became an issue for me on January 20, 2009.
Also, I am strongly in favor of liberty for everyone - well, except for the gays. Also, except where reproductive rights are concerned. I'm also in favor of religious liberty, and want people to be able to exercise their religious liberty in schools and on public property all over the place. Well, I mean, not all people, obviously. People who are the same religion as me. I mean, it's not like the constitution prohibits the government favoring one religion over another, particularly when that religion is the one true religion, right?
Also, no science in the schools. Because the constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom of science. I don't want my children learning that we humans are descended from monkeys. Do you see any half-human, half-monkey people walking around? It's a dangerous road, allowing your children to be exposed to things like "facts" and "evidence".
Also, think of me like a mama grizzly bear. Even though I'm a dude and totally manly. Nobody better get in between me and my grizzly cubs! Now, maybe you're wondering what the practical implications of all this grizzly bear talk is. You might think, "oh, you support programs that have been shown to be a huge benefit to kids like Head Start, and sCHIP, and public safety regulations that protect kids". Nope! I don't support any of that socialist nonsense. I support being able to protect my kids from all kinds of socialism and liberalism. Liberalism and progressive thinking are the biggest threat to liberty since, well, since ever!
Also, I hate the elites. Like doctors and scientists, who think they understand medicine or science better than you and I do just because they spent years studying in those fields and have earned advanced degrees. Well, I study too, at the feet of Professors Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Palin. They tell me everything I need to know. I take my advice from them, not from some group of wealthy, unelected commentators.
Also, I support free speech. But I hate the liberal media because they're always picking on me and askuing me questions I don't know the answer to.
Also, I hate tyranny, in all it's forms. Like that ObamaCare - wow, is that tyrannical! Seriously, there's no difference between ObamaCare and the gas chambers. After all, both are government programs, right? And all government programs are inherently tyrannical. Therefore, the president and all liberals are actually Nazis. Now some people say, where was your concern about "tyranny" when George W. Bush was president, with things like warrantless wiretapping, and extraordinary rendition, and detention of US citizens without habeas corpus". Now, I don't know what any of that means, but it sure sounds like more liberal lies to me.
I think that America needs to cut taxes severely in order to make our country stronger and more fiscally sound, because a government with no revenue, and which can support any government programs, is way stronger. Also, we need to look at cutting waste fraud and abuse. Now, my opponent has said things like "you haven't come up with a single concrete example of an actual program you would cut" - well, that kind of "evidence-based" thinking is just elitist and un-American. Also, I am in favor of fiscal responsiblity - sure I didn't say anything about it when George W. Bush was president, but, completely coincidentially, it became an issue for me on January 20, 2009.
Also, I am strongly in favor of liberty for everyone - well, except for the gays. Also, except where reproductive rights are concerned. I'm also in favor of religious liberty, and want people to be able to exercise their religious liberty in schools and on public property all over the place. Well, I mean, not all people, obviously. People who are the same religion as me. I mean, it's not like the constitution prohibits the government favoring one religion over another, particularly when that religion is the one true religion, right?
Also, no science in the schools. Because the constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom of science. I don't want my children learning that we humans are descended from monkeys. Do you see any half-human, half-monkey people walking around? It's a dangerous road, allowing your children to be exposed to things like "facts" and "evidence".
Also, think of me like a mama grizzly bear. Even though I'm a dude and totally manly. Nobody better get in between me and my grizzly cubs! Now, maybe you're wondering what the practical implications of all this grizzly bear talk is. You might think, "oh, you support programs that have been shown to be a huge benefit to kids like Head Start, and sCHIP, and public safety regulations that protect kids". Nope! I don't support any of that socialist nonsense. I support being able to protect my kids from all kinds of socialism and liberalism. Liberalism and progressive thinking are the biggest threat to liberty since, well, since ever!
Also, I hate the elites. Like doctors and scientists, who think they understand medicine or science better than you and I do just because they spent years studying in those fields and have earned advanced degrees. Well, I study too, at the feet of Professors Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Palin. They tell me everything I need to know. I take my advice from them, not from some group of wealthy, unelected commentators.
Also, I support free speech. But I hate the liberal media because they're always picking on me and askuing me questions I don't know the answer to.
Also, I hate tyranny, in all it's forms. Like that ObamaCare - wow, is that tyrannical! Seriously, there's no difference between ObamaCare and the gas chambers. After all, both are government programs, right? And all government programs are inherently tyrannical. Therefore, the president and all liberals are actually Nazis. Now some people say, where was your concern about "tyranny" when George W. Bush was president, with things like warrantless wiretapping, and extraordinary rendition, and detention of US citizens without habeas corpus". Now, I don't know what any of that means, but it sure sounds like more liberal lies to me.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
My 25 all-time favorite science fiction movies (at the moment)
I was listening to an episode of "On Point" yesterday, and the topic was "greatest science fiction movies of all time." After listening to the podcast, which was a lot of fun, I said - "I accept your challenge!" I thought the world would benefit from knowing my all-time favorite science fiction movies.
I am very deliberately not calling this list "greatest movies" because these lists are inherently subjective and I'm just listing my own personal favorites. A few notes:
I am very deliberately not calling this list "greatest movies" because these lists are inherently subjective and I'm just listing my own personal favorites. A few notes:
- I am keeping out movies based on comic books. While most of these would qualify as science fiction, I see them as their own category (and a list for me to work on for another day).
- I am singling out individual movies, not just series (which makes it more challenging in a good way) - so I will not just say "The Star Wars movies"
- These are my own personal favorites. There are many movies out there that are regarded as "great" that I haven't seen, or was not so impressed by; this list is only meant to cover my personal preferences.
- I can't just do top 10 because it ignores too many movies.
- If a movie falls into another genre but is also clearly science fiction, I am including it.
- It has been so long since I last saw Blade Runner, I suspect that once I re-watch it, my list will change
- If given another day, or two days or a week, I could probably monkey around with the order of the movies on the list (other than the top 5), so other than those, the order only reflects what I felt at the moment I hit "Publish Post".
- I have not included animated films. If I did, Wall-E would probably make the list somewhere.
- I have a suspicion I'm really going to enjoy District 9, but haven't seen it yet
- About Star Wars Episodes I and II, each of those movies has a lot that I enjoy, (for example, the light saber duel at the end of Episode I is my favorite in the entire series of movies) and it is hard to separate out all of the affection I have for them as Star Wars movies, but I felt that overall, they were not good enough to make the list.
- Avatar - one of the most visually stunning things I ever seen. Doesn't make the list. At least not today. I'm not sure how much I actually liked the movie, apart from the 3-D visual spectacle of it.
With that in mind, my list is as follows:
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Star Wars
- The Matrix
- Back to the Future
- Terminator 2
- Return of the Jedi
- Dune
- Star Trek: First Contact
- Minority Report
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Children of Men
- Star Trek (2009)
- Galaxy Quest
- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
- Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
- Twelve Monkeys
- Gattaca
- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
- E.T.
- Donnie Darko
- Starship Troopers
- THX 1138
- Inception
- Brazil
- Robocop
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Miscellaneous Sports Thoughts
1. I was reading about Ben Roethlisberger recently (NYT had a good piece on him) earlier this week, and just disgusted with the guy. I know he wasn't charged with what he allegedly did to a woman in Georgia, but the evidence seems pretty clear that he at least tried to rape her. This is also not his first time doing something like that. I just want to say I have a hard time relating to the mindset of the entitled athlete. Who goes around thinking they can treat other people like property? All because they can play a children's game, and do a good job throwing or catching a ball? Ridiculous.
2. Bud Selig seems reasonably intelligent, at least some of the time. If that's the case, then why the opposition to instant replay in baseball? I don't understand it at all. Isn't it kind of a no-brainer that getting the right outcome should be the most important thing? I'm not sure why that isn't important for everybody.
3. I totally agree with the Sports Guy in his most recent column about not caring as much about the Sox as I used to. For me though, 2 reasons are paramount (2 of the ones that he also reflects on):
a. They won in 2004 and 2007. I was no fan of the "curse" bullshit (and I would love to banish the phrase "Red Sox Nation" forever), but it does feel like the urgency and drama are gone. I just assume that they will be competitive and probably win again at some point.
b. I'm a parent now. This has reordered a bunch of my priorities. There are plenty of things I cared about pre-parenthood that I still care about, but sports in not as much one of them.
I still follow the teams, still care about how they're doing, but it's just not as important anymore. I'm not sure if that is sad, or inevitable, or if it doesn't really matter.
4. I wish I could go to a world where I don't hear about LeBron for a while.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Toy Story 3
Saw Toy Story 3 Saturday. So great. I'm not sure what it is in the water that they drink at Pixar that makes all of their films so fantastic, but I surely hope they keep drinking it and would love to have some myself. They make such wonderful movies. Pretty sure my favorite Pixar movie is still (not surprisingly) "The Incredibles", but "Wall-E" is up there as well, as is the original "Toy Story". This one was terrific as well. I still haven't seen "Up" but understand that is great as well. Oh, right, I know what it is - actual storytelling. Right. When the people responsible for writing a story actually, you know, write a story, as opposed to layering one pop-cultural reference on top of another. Don't get me wrong, I love pop-cultural references as much as anyone, it is a currency I trade in heavily, but I believe they must be earned and well timed. Just making references to the Godfather does not make your movie funny. If I want Godfather references I'll just watch the Godfather (which I have done approximately 250 times, give or take a few).
Now you may have also heard that the end of the movie was making some grown men weepy. I wouldn't know anything about that, I just happened to get something in my eye at the end of the movie. Complete coincidence.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Can you have schadenfreude towards your own kids?
Just to go ahead and state the completely obvious, dealing with kids can be challenging. One little interaction - Kid #2 has a habit of throwing/putting food on the floor. It would be one thing if she were 8 months old, but she's almost 2 1/2, and so throwing/dropping of food is not nearly as funny/cute. We had been frustrated recently, but have deleloped a new system for dealing with this. The first time she does it, we pull her away from the table for a minute or so as a warning. The second time she does it, she's done eating that meal and doesn't get anything else. It's a little harsh, but we're trying to get her to understand "consequences".
Anyway, this morning she put some cheerios on the floor so I pulled her away from the table. After a minute I brought her back, and a few minutes after that she proceeded to take her entire cup of water and quite deliberately dump it out on the floor. She seemed quite please with herself, but I was pissed. I took her out of her chair, handed her a towel and told her to clean it up (just a side note, I didn't actually expect her to clean it all up, my point was to teach her that we clean up our own messes). She started to clean it up, and quickly lost interest, and then decided it would be more fun to jump up and down and splash in the puddles on the floor. In the non-suprise of the year, she slipped and fell and landed on her ass.
Now, there is something of a balancing act that you need to do when this sort of things happens, and I'm not totally sure how well I balanced it. I comforted her because she was crying and in pain, but some part of me was thinking that this was an excellent "teachable moment" for her - you pour the water on the floor, you jumped in it instead of cleaning it up, and then you get hurt - all in all, that's a lesson I can live with her learning, particularly where she was not seruiously hurt.
Of course, there was another part of me that wanted to point at her and go "ha ha" like Nelson from the Simpsons, but I kept that to myself.
Anyway, this morning she put some cheerios on the floor so I pulled her away from the table. After a minute I brought her back, and a few minutes after that she proceeded to take her entire cup of water and quite deliberately dump it out on the floor. She seemed quite please with herself, but I was pissed. I took her out of her chair, handed her a towel and told her to clean it up (just a side note, I didn't actually expect her to clean it all up, my point was to teach her that we clean up our own messes). She started to clean it up, and quickly lost interest, and then decided it would be more fun to jump up and down and splash in the puddles on the floor. In the non-suprise of the year, she slipped and fell and landed on her ass.
Now, there is something of a balancing act that you need to do when this sort of things happens, and I'm not totally sure how well I balanced it. I comforted her because she was crying and in pain, but some part of me was thinking that this was an excellent "teachable moment" for her - you pour the water on the floor, you jumped in it instead of cleaning it up, and then you get hurt - all in all, that's a lesson I can live with her learning, particularly where she was not seruiously hurt.
Of course, there was another part of me that wanted to point at her and go "ha ha" like Nelson from the Simpsons, but I kept that to myself.
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