Sunday, August 01, 2010

Miscellaneous Sports Thoughts

1. I was reading about Ben Roethlisberger recently (NYT had a good piece on him) earlier this week, and just disgusted with the guy. I know he wasn't charged with what he allegedly did to a woman in Georgia, but the evidence seems pretty clear that he at least tried to rape her. This is also not his first time doing something like that. I just want to say I have a hard time relating to the mindset of the entitled athlete. Who goes around thinking they can treat other people like property? All because they can play a children's game, and do a good job throwing or catching a ball? Ridiculous.

2. Bud Selig seems reasonably intelligent, at least some of the time. If that's the case, then why the opposition to instant replay in baseball? I don't understand it at all. Isn't it kind of a no-brainer that getting the right outcome should be the most important thing? I'm not sure why that isn't important for everybody.

3. I totally agree with the Sports Guy in his most recent column about not caring as much about the Sox as I used to. For me though, 2 reasons are paramount (2 of the ones that he also reflects on):

a. They won in 2004 and 2007. I was no fan of the "curse" bullshit (and I would love to banish the phrase "Red Sox Nation" forever), but it does feel like the urgency and drama are gone. I just assume that they will be competitive and probably win again at some point.

b. I'm a parent now. This has reordered a bunch of my priorities. There are plenty of things I cared about pre-parenthood that I still care about, but sports in not as much one of them.

I still follow the teams, still care about how they're doing, but it's just not as important anymore. I'm not sure if that is sad, or inevitable, or if it doesn't really matter.

4. I wish I could go to a world where I don't hear about LeBron for a while.

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