Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A few political observations

A few thoughts about recent political stuff:

John McCain: Here's my concern about McCain. Let's say he's elected, and becomes President of the United States. What if, all of a sudden, he realizes that there's some younger, prettier country that he'd rather be president of. Let's be honest, America's not so young anymore and not so pretty. Let's say he looks at Israel who needs a new president at some point, and says, "hey, Israeli women are hot, and the modern nation of Israel is younger than the US." Given his track record, this is a legitimate concern. America, we better get some botox if we want to make sure to keep McCain's attention!

Russia/Georgia: Russia is like the former abusive boyfriend that just won't let the girl move on. Back in the old days, they were in an abusive, codependent relationship, and Georgia went along with it because Russia had all of the power and Georgia didn't know any different. All of a sudden though, they break up, and she's trying to move on. She's got a new job, is making new friends, really trying to move on with her life, and Russia can't stand it. Russia's sort of impotent for a while though, and just nursing the bitterness. All of a sudden though, Russia's circumstances change and maybe Russia's got a new job, making some money, and he decides that he's going to show that Georgia Bitch who is in charge, and that if he can't have her, no one can. So, nothing is out of bounds at this point, even physical violence. Poor girl, she's stuck now, her new friends are showing that maybe they aren't as willing to go to bat for her as she thought they would be, they don't want to interfere in the relationship, and just like that, she's stuck again, only now it's worse because he has money and he is bitter and resentful at past slights.

Hilary: I can't stand her. She could make things better for Obama but she doesn't want to. I think she's willing to have the country undergo 4 more years of Republican president just so she can have another chance in 2012. What if a bunch more justices retire before then? There's venal, there's really really venal, and then there's the Clintons. They're in a class by themselves.

Obama: Seems kinda weak at the moment. I like the guy, but I'm afraid he's about to get swift-boated. Some studies have shown that negative campaigning works, and doesn't really have much of a negative impact on the person on whose behalf the ads are run. With that in mind, I'd like to see Obama really cut loose and run all sorts of vicious (and accurate) ads asking the question "who is John McCain" and doing whatever he needs to do to win. I don't want to see him be yet another idealistic Democratic loser.

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